


点击 登录注册 即表示同意《亿速云用户服务条款》


发布时间:2020-07-16 22:53:30 来源:网络 阅读:687 作者:027ryan 栏目:开发技术


data = [




















data_dic = {

    'A': {

        'A1': {
























 #!/usr/bin/env python
    # -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
        k,v_dic d_dic.items():
            k == parent: d_dic[k][son] = {}
                : ()
    data_dic = {}
    item data:
        parent,son = item
        parent : data_dic[son] = {}
        : tree_search(data_dic,parent,son)
    k,v data_dic.items():


>>> for item in data:
...      parent,son = item
...      print parent,"---",son
None --- A
A --- A1
A --- A1-1
A1 --- A2
A1-1 --- A2-3
A2-3 --- A3-4
A1 --- A2-2
A2 --- A3
A2-2 --- A3-3
A3 --- A4
None --- B
B --- B1
B1 --- B2
B1 --- B2-2
B2 --- B3
None --- C
C --- C1


('find parent of: ', 'A1')

('find parent of: ', 'A1-1')

going to further layer...

('find parent of: ', 'A2')

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

('find parent of: ', 'A2-3')

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

('find parent of: ', 'A3-4')

going to further layer...

('find parent of: ', 'A2-2')

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

('find parent of: ', 'A3')

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

('find parent of: ', 'A3-3')

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

('find parent of: ', 'A4')

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

('find parent of: ', 'B1')

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

('find parent of: ', 'B2')

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

('find parent of: ', 'B2-2')

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

('find parent of: ', 'B3')

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

('find parent of: ', 'C1')

('A', {'A1': {'A2': {'A3': {'A4': {}}}, 'A2-2': {'A3-3': {}}}, 'A1-1': {'A2-3': {'A3-4': {}}}})

('C', {'C1': {}})

('B', {'B1': {'B2-2': {}, 'B2': {'B3': {}}}})

