Elastic Load Balancing notes

  1. ELB does not support the backend to provide domain name or ip and port in the form of https, only for ordinary ip + port form.

  2. ELB configuration with multiple domain names.

  • Case 1: All domain names without certificates are added through the forwarding policy of port 80.
  • Case 2: All domain names with certificates are added through the forwarding policy of port 443.
  • Case 3: Some domain names do not have certificates and some domains have certificates. Because the page 80 port can only be added once, after the 80 port is transferred to 443, the page cannot add the 80 port again, and the 80 forwarding policy cannot be used to add a domain name without a certificate.

    Solution to case 3: buy 2 ELB, one for without a domain name certificate, and one for a domain name certificate. The backend machine needs to be separated, because the backend machine can only be added by one load balancer.